

Medications such as pills, drops, inhalers, ointments, etc., are not to be carried on a student’s person or left on a desk. Prescribed medications must be in the original container from the physician or pharmacy. Prescription or over-the-counter medications to be taken by a student during the school day must have a written authorization from a medical provider. 

The Connecticut State Law and Regulations require a qualified medical provider’s written order and the parent/guardian’s written authorization for a nurse to administer medicinal preparations. In the nurse’s absence, the principal or teacher may administer the medication as authorized.” Please see Administration of Student Medication in the schools, Policy 5141

Forms authorizing the administration of medication are available from the school nurse. 

The nurse maintains a small supply of Tylenol/Acetaminophen for Grades 4-12 which may be dispensed up to 5 times a year per standing order by the Medical Advisor to a student with written authorization from a parent/guardian on the front side of the yellow emergency form. Motrin/Ibuprofen is NOT dispensed without a doctor’s order.

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