Welcome New Members
We would like to welcome new Board of Education members Jack Scherban and Alan Samet. Thank you to outgoing members Kimberly Russo and Chris Passante for their service and commitment to the Clinton Public Schools!
Goals for 2022-2023 Adopted by the BOE
On September 20th, the BOE adopted district goals for this school year that include specific actions and steps to address the Strategic Priorities. Highlights include: High School Accreditation, addressing learning gaps, social-emotional programming, implementing new curricula at Joel in early literacy and at Eliot in math and social studies, implementing health and safety protocols, providing support services for students, ensuring inclusive and equitable practices, and developing a new strategic plan for 2022-2025.
District Calendar for 2022-2023
The BOE approved the calendar for next school year. Click here for a downloadable copy.
Subcommittee Work
The BOE has multiple standing subcommittees that meet throughout the year and each have a particular charge for their work as outlined here.