
December 2021


Welcome New Members

We would like to welcome new Board of Education members Jack Scherban and Alan Samet.  Thank you to outgoing members Kimberly Russo and Chris Passante for their service and commitment to the Clinton Public Schools!

Goals for 2022-2023 Adopted by the BOE

On September 20th, the BOE adopted district goals for this school year that include specific actions and steps to address the Strategic Priorities.  Highlights include:  High School Accreditation, addressing learning gaps, social-emotional programming, implementing new curricula at Joel in early literacy and at Eliot in math and social studies, implementing health and safety protocols, providing support services for students, ensuring inclusive and equitable practices, and developing a new strategic plan for 2022-2025.

District Calendar for 2022-2023

The BOE approved the calendar for next school year.  Click here for a downloadable copy.

Subcommittee Work

The BOE has multiple standing subcommittees that meet throughout the year and each have a particular charge for their work as outlined here.


Return to School Plan

  • The Return to School Plan has been updated as required and can be found here with changes to vaccination/testing requirements for staff, contact tracing and quarantine protocols, screen and stay program, and opportunities for vaccinations for ages 5-11.
  • If you would like to provide input or comments related to the plan, please click here to submit a response to our survey.

COVID Information

  • Vaccination Clinic- 5-11 year olds
    • We have the opportunity to offer a vaccination clinic in January for 5-11 year olds at Joel Elementary School.  We are trying to determine if there is interest to provide this option at our school for our students.
    • If you would be interested in accessing a vaccination for your child if it were to be held at Joel School, please click on this link to indicate your interest.
  • Optional Weekly Testing for Unvaccinated Students
    • The state department of public health has developed a program that provides for weekly testing on site in schools for students who are Unvaccinated.  This is a Parent Option if they choose to opt in.
    • If you might be interested in having your unvaccinated child participate in a weekly testing program at their school, please click on this link to indicate your interest.
  • Contact Tracing Reminders
    • Community notification letters are sent only when a case requires contact tracing and impacts our schools.  All other cases of students or staff are recorded on the COVID-19 dashboard which is updated each week and includes a link to the Town’s weekly data.
    • Close Contact Identification:  We have adjusted our procedures for notification as seen below:
      • Screen & Stay Close Contacts are notified by email and text when a case impacts your child.  Information is contained within the email, including a link to a survey that the parent must respond to prior to the child returning to school.
      • Vaccinated Close Contacts are notified by email and text when a case impacts your child and additional information is contained in the email.
      • Quarantine Close Contacts are notified by phone/voice message followed by an email. The email will contain the specific dates that the student is excluded from school.
    • If you have any questions regarding any notifications received, please contact the school health office or email School Nurse Supervisor Donna Frechette at [email protected].


The CPS Facebook page highlights all the great things happening in our schools.  Please follow us!

School Safety is a priority in our district.

  • Each school has a Safe School Climate Committee and specific approaches to develop an inclusive and accepting school community and culture.
  • We have an established partnership with the Community Health Center and each school has a clinician available to provide non-school-based counseling services to students during the school day.
  • We partner and collaborate with the Clinton Police Department and other first responders and meet on a monthly basis to ensure our schools are safe and ready to respond to crises that may arise.

Our student-athletes at Eliot and Morgan had a fantastic fall season and winter sports are underway.  Spectators are allowed in our facilities this winter and we hope you will attend an event to cheer on our student-athletes.


Our middle school and high school music students were able to perform in Winter Concerts for the first time in two years!


Eliot and Morgan are offering after school clubs and activities for students to support their interests and provide an outlet for school spirit and student exploration of interests.

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