
Absence Reporting & Substitute Requests

The district uses a service from FRONTLINE Education that greatly simplifies the process of recording and managing absences.  Access is available online 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. 

If you have not received a district e-mail inviting you to create an absence management account, please email Sandra Murphy.  From the e-mail invitation, log in using the Frontline ID you created when completing your new hire packet.  After creating your account, those who wish to download the mobile app, can follow the link below for more information.



Educators and paraeducators can record absences and request a substitute if needed. Please report planned absences as soon as you know you will be out.  With Frontline, substitutes can accept assignments up to 3-months in advance.  Early reporting is always better in order to allow time to secure substitute coverage.  To increase chances of securing a substitute at the last minute, unplanned absences should be reported by 9:00 p.m. the evening prior, or within (1) hour of your start time. 

If you miss the 1-hour deadline to enter your absence, you will need to contact your school office and/or administrator as soon as possible.  Please check with your school office to determine if they have additional requirements when reporting an absence.  Specific questions about paid time-off should be directed to your supervisor or administrator.  Most information can be found in your bargaining unit’s employment contract  


Custodial, central office, secretarial, and administrative staff can record absences, but substitutes are handled separately.  Please speak with your supervisor or administrator for details.

TO RECORD AN ABSENCE      Frontline Education Login

Once logged in, the system detects your configurations and presents you with appropriate, selectable options *

* This page may appear slightly different to each user, as it will present the relevant options based on the user’s access.


To learn more about entering and managing absences, please click on links below:

Employee Quick Start Guide
Using the Mobile App

For itinerant employees:

Creating a Multi-School Absence


Questions?  Please email or call (860) 664-6500 ext. 1019.  

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