

If a student should become ill during the school day, permission should be secured from the teacher to go to the nurse’s office. Under no circumstances is the student allowed to leave the building without permission. Parents or friends are not to be telephoned by a student without first being seen by the nurse or her aide, who will decide whether the student should remain in school or be picked up by a parent/guardian. A student must be signed out by a parent or guardian in the main office. 

Parents will assume responsibility for the transportation home to a caretaker or to a physician of any student for whom it has been determined that he/she cannot remain in school for reasons such as an injury, an acute illness or suspicion of having a communicable disease. A student will not receive a dismissal from the school nurse if the student notifies a parent by cell phone outside of the health office. Cell phones are not permitted to be used during school hours, and the health-related situation must be evaluated by the Health Office. 

To assure a speedy, uncomplicated recovery and to protect the health of other students, a child with symptoms of illness should be kept at home. A child with a temperature of 100.4 F degrees or higher or other symptoms of acute illness, such as diarrhea or vomiting, shall be excluded from school. A child should be kept home until his/her temperature has been normal for 24 hours without medication.

Please refer to these guidelines for when to keep your child at home:
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